
EMC Europe 2016 Wroclaw
International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility
September 5-9, 2016, Wroclaw, Poland

Technical Co-sponsors:




Media Sponsorship:

Safety & EMC Magazine

General information
Conference programme
Workshops & Tutorials
Experiments & Soft. demo
Call for papers
Call for Workshops/Tutorial
Call for Special Sessions
Call for experiments
Scope & Topics
Important dates
For Authors
On-line Conf. System
EMC Europe

Latest News:

Papers submission deadline has been extended till March 4, 2016

On-line conference system is open and ready for paper submission!

Final Call for Papers is available here .

EMC Europe 2016 Fees and Payment's details

Conference fees

  till 31st May, 2016 from 1st June, 2016
Regular fee 1) 550 € 600 €
Reduced fee 1)
(authors, co-authors, IEEE members)
500 € 550 €
Student 2) 200 € 250 €
Accompaning person 3) 100 € 120 €
1-day symposium participant 4) 240 € 300 €
reduced 1-day symposium participant 4)
(authors, co-authors, IEEE members)
200 € 250 €
Workshops and Tutorials participant
(Fee for person only, who do not participate in the EMC Symposium )
100 € 100 €
Electronic proceedings (extra item) 30 € 40 €
Lunch (extra ) 10 € 10 €
Welcome Coctail 6 Sept. 2016 (extra ticket) 40 € 45 €
Symposium banquet 7 Sept. 2016 (extra ticket) 90 € 100 €

1) Regular rand reduced registration fee covers: Oral sessions, posters sessions, exhibition, workshops and tutorials participation, Symposium electronic Proceedings, lunches and coffee breaks, one Welcome Cocktail ticket and one Symposium Banquet ticket, conference bag, pass for public transport, pass for cable-car, badge and lanyard.

2) Student's registration fee covers: : Oral sessions, posters sessions, exhibition, workshops and tutorials participation, Symposium CDRom Proceedings, lunches and coffee breaks, one Welcome Cocktail ticket, conference bag, pass for public transport, pass for cable-car, badge and lanyard. Students are obligated to send copy of their student ID by fax: +48 71 3223473 or e-mail:

3) Accompanying person's fee includes: one Welcome Cocktail ticket and one Symposium Banquet ticket, badge and lanyard.

4) Single day participant's fee covers: Oral sessions, posters sessions, exhibition participation, Symposium CDRom Proceedings, coffee breaks, lunch, conference bag, pass for public transport, pass for cable-car, badge and lanyard.

All participants are obligated to write VAT ID number of their companies or note that they aren't in possession this number ("Remark of Participant " in 2 step of participant registration). VAT ID is necessary to issue the invoice.

To include paper in the symposium program and to publish in the Symposium Proceedings, the author or at least one of co-authors of the paper has to complete formal registration procedure via Symposium on-line Conference System and has to pay the Symposium fee before the deadline for final paper submission - May 16, 2016.

There are possibilities to reduce the conference fees for limited number of participants. If you have to reduce the conference fee to participate in the symposium or workshops and tutorials, please send to the organizersyour request with the reasons for application.

Payment's details - for foreign participants

Fees shall be paid to the account given below:
Bank remittance to:

Wroclaw University of Technology
address: Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, PL50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
VAT-ID: PL8960005851
account no PL71 1090 2402 0000 0001 3165 2373
bank's name: Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.
bank's address: ul. Gen. Sikorskiego 2-8, 53-659 Wroclaw, POLAND
bank's branch number: 10902402
Your name, your registration ID and additional code "EMC Europe 2016" should accompany your payment

Please take into account that the bank transfer payment requires about 10 days to be booked on the conference account.

Payment's details - for Polish participants

Regarding numerous inquiries we wish to inform that Polish participants should make their payments in Polish Zlotys (PLN) according to the current Exchange rate of National Bank of Poland.
Fees shall be paid to the account given below:

nr konta: 23 1090 2402 0000 0001 3165 2364
Politechnika Wroclawska
Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw
NIP: 896-000-58-51
nazwa banku: Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.
adres banku: ul. Gen. Sikorskiego 2-8, 53-659 Wroclaw, POLAND


If you use the credit card option, an appropriate form is automatically generated by the system at the end of the registration process. Please, print the, sign it and send to us by fax: +48-71-3223473.
For additional procedures please follow the on-screen instructions. Please take into account that the credit card's payment requires about 5 days to be confirmed by out card provider.


Official Receipt of EMC Europe 2016 Conference will be handed to you during the registration at the reception desk in September. Polish participants receive their invoice up to 10 working days after payment.

 © Wroclaw University of Technology Last update: February 18, 2016 