
EMC Europe 2016 Wroclaw
International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility
September 5-9, 2016, Wroclaw, Poland

Technical Co-sponsors:




Media Sponsorship:

Safety & EMC Magazine

General information
Conference programme
Workshops & Tutorials
Experiments & Soft. demo
Call for papers
Call for Workshops/Tutorial
Call for Special Sessions
Call for experiments
Scope & Topics
Important dates
For Authors
On-line Conf. System
EMC Europe

Latest News:

Due to numerous requests paper submission will be available until Monday morning (March 7, 2016)

Papers submission deadline has been extended till March 4, 2016

On-line conference system is open and ready for paper submission!

Final Call for Papers is available here .

Call for Papers

General information

Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers on their latest research results focusing on all EMC aspects.

Authors should submit their full paper (up to 6 pages and approximately 5500 words in 2-column format, with pictures and charts, diagrams) complying to IEEE format till March 07, 2016 (extended deadline).

The paper has to be written in English and clearly explain the originality and relevance to conference technical areas

The paper has to be be uploaded via EMC Europe 2016 conference system (, which is available now.)

All submitted papers will be evaluated by a peer review process. Paper acceptance will be based on following criteria: Quality of technical content, Significance for theory or practice, Originality and level of innovativeness andQuality of presentation.

Authors will be notified about the review results by e-mail. All reviewer's comments and suggestions will be available in conference system .

Authors whose papers will be accepted for presentation during EMC Europe 2016 Wroclaw Symposium will be requested to upload final paper conference system and register as conference participant till May 16, 2016 to present the paper during conference.
For every paper, the electronic IEEE Copyright Form needs to be signed when the final paper is submitted.

Advance registration (with the registration fee paid) of at least one of the authors is required before May 16, 2016. Papers without at least one accompanying author registration (regular or student if applicable) will not be processed. However, one (co-)author is allowed to register for multiple papers. Papers will be assigned to oral or poster sessions.

All accepted (final) papers will be submitted for publication in the IEEE Xplore database, one of the most comprehensive interdisciplinary engineering databases in the world. Since the papers will be archived in the IEEE XploreŽ System, PDF file with the paper must comply with the IEEE rules.

Please note that IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented either orally or as a poster at the conference.

The Best Symposium Paper and best student paper will be selected by the International Steering Committee and awarded by the Local Organizing Committee.

Detailed instructions on how to prepare and submit your contribution and its final version is avaliable here.

Click to download:


Papers submission (extended): February 15, 2016
March 07, 2016
(12:00 CET)
Paper acceptance notification: April 18, 2016
Final papers submission and payment for authors: May 16, 2016
Reduced registration fee deadline: May 31, 2016

 © Wroclaw University of Technology Last update: March 04, 2016 