
EMC Europe 2016 Wroclaw
International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility
September 5-9, 2016, Wroclaw, Poland

Technical Co-sponsors:





Media Sponsorship:

Safety & EMC Magazine

General information
Conference programme
Workshops & Tutorials
Experiments & Soft. demo
Call for papers
Call for Workshops/Tutorial
Call for Special Sessions
Call for experiments
Scope & Topics
Important dates
For Authors
On-line Conf. System
EMC Europe

Latest News:

Papers submission deadline has been extended till March 4, 2016

On-line conference system is open and ready for paper submission!

Final Call for Papers is available here .

EMC Europe 2016 Technical Exhibition

General information

The Symposium will be accompanied by technical exhibition on EMC and RF/microwave mea-surements and instrumentation.
We also invite manufacturers and distributors of EMC-related equipment and tools, measurement and EMC test equipments, spectrum monitoring and measurement systems, protecting device and components, microwave instrumentation, electromagnetic analysis and synthesis software.

The technical exhibition will be held from 9 AM on Tuesday, September 6, 2016, to 3 PM on Thursday, September 8, 2016. The technical exhibition will take place on the ground floor of the Conference Building - Integrated Students_ Center of the Wroclaw University of Technology (Wroclaw, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 23 - 25, building C-13). See campus map for conference venue location.

The exhibition is directly accessible from the conference rooms and ensures that delegates and speakers have every opportunity to visit you and your company's representatives during refreshment and lunch breaks.

Exhibition boths offer

You can order all or part of the following:
  • completely equipped exhibition booth, double-standard booth or other one according to your needs (see General Rules for Exhibitors avaliable in MS Word or PDF files):

    • Standard booth package includes (€ 1000 incl. 23% Goods and Service Tax):
      • standard booth construction (4 m2 = 2m × 2m)
      • one table or counter with two standard chairs
      • power supply and lighting
      • fascia board with exhibitor logo and name
      • short company profile in Exhibitors Book
      • social packet for single Exhibitor's representative including: coffee breaks and lunches on 6 -8 September 2016, single invitation to cocktail and banquet
      • company presentation (20 min)

        View of standard booth (2m x 2m = 4 m2

    • Double-standard booth package includes(€ 2000 incl. 23% Goods and Service Tax):
      • standard booth construction with additional 4 m2 (8 m2 = 4m × 2m)
      • one table or counter with two standard chairs
      • power supply and lighting
      • fascia board with exhibitor logo and name
      • short company profile in Exhibitors Book
      • social packet for two Exhibitor's representatives including: coffee breaks and lunches on 6 - 8 September 2016, two invitation to cocktail and banquet
      • company presentation (20 min)

        View of double-standard booth 4m x 2m = 8 m2

    • large booth package includes(€ 2250 incl. 23% Goods and Service Tax):
      • large booth construction ( 9 m2 = 3m × 3m)
      • one table or counter with two standard chairs
      • power supply and lighting
      • fascia board with exhibitor logo and name
      • short company profile in Exhibitors Book
      • social packet for two Exhibitor's representatives including: coffee breaks and lunches on 6 - 8 September 2016, two invitation to cocktail and banquet
      • company presentation (20 min)

    • Extended booth package includes
      • It is possible to add Additional space to standard or double-standard booth (in increments of 2m2 for € 500 incl. 23% Goods and Service Tax) or large booth (in increments of 3m2 for € 750 incl. 23% Goods and Service
      • standard booth package for booth of 6 m2 space or double-standard booth package for booth of 10 m2 space and larger

        View of extended standard booth 3m x 2m = 6 m2

    • Individual booth arrangement (also with part or all elements provided by exhibitor).
      The booth space (all dimensions) can be fitted with exhibitor's demands, but has to be accepted by organizers. An example of booth arangement during previous EMC symposium organized in 2010:

    • Additional booth's equipment

  • information materials distribution among symposium participants;

  • advertisement in the Symposium Final Programm, Exhibitors Book or Proceedings;

  • workshop or tutorial arrangement
    The company interested in organizing a workshop or tutorial shall deliver detailed summary including names and contact information of authors or speakers not later than March 15, 2016. Detailed information you can find here. You can apply also using APPLICATION FORM (MS Word or PDF). Information about workshop will be included in the program of the Symposium. Workshops are free of charge for Symposium participants.

  • Additional Social packet for Exhibitor's representatives (ie. for all other Exhibitor's representatives during Exhibition days (September 6-8, 2016) as well as for other days (September 5 and 9, 2016) if required)

Click to download

How to apply

Technical Exhibition Fill out the APPLICATION FORM (MS Word or PDF) and send to Organizers by fax or e-mail ( before July 16, 2016. Follow GENERAL RULES FOR THE EXHIBITORS (avaliable in MS Word or PDF format).

Literature Exhibition If you would like to present publications, books, journals ect. please read and fill out LITERATURE PRESENTATION APPLICATION (MS Word or PDF) and send send to Organizers by fax or e-mail ( before June 30, 2016. We offer also other possibilities to present your literature.

Information Material Distribution Order Fill out the APPLICATION FORM (MS Word or PDF) and return with the information materials (catalogs, datasheets, ect.) send to Organizers by fax or e-mail ( before August 15, 2016.

Advertisement Order Fill out the APPLICATION FORM (MS Word or PDF) and return with the advertisment materials send to Organizers by fax or e-mail ( July 15, 2016.

Exhibition plan

Click the picture to enlarge.

 © Wroclaw University of Technology Last update: February 21, 2016 