
EMC Europe 2016 Wroclaw
International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility
September 5-9, 2016, Wroclaw, Poland

Technical Co-sponsors:





General information
Call for papers
Call for Workshops/Tutorial
Call for Special Sessions
Call for experiments
Scope & Topics
Important dates
For Authors
On-line Conf. System
EMC Europe

Latest News:

On-line conference system is open and ready for paper submission!

Final Call for Papers is available here .

General Information



Organizers of leading International Symposium on electromagnetic compatibility in Europe are very pleased to invite and encourage all those working in the field of electromagnetic compatibility to Wroclaw for the EMC Europe 2016 symposium. Conference covers the entire scope of electromagnetic compatibility including emerging technologies.

Prospective authors are invited to submit till February 15, 2016 original papers on their latest research results focusing on all EMC aspects. For details see here or download Final Call For Papers.

The intent of EMC Europe 2016 organizers is to create an excellent forum for useful contacts and exchange of scientific and technical information between researchers and practicing engineers from academia, research laboratories, industry and government agencies. The symposium gives the unique opportunity to present the progress and results of their work and to exchange ideas, discuss different points of view and share experiences with colleagues involved in EMC.

EMC Europe 2016 will be held in the main campus of Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT) located in the Wroclaw city center from September 5th till September 9th 2016.
EMC Europe 2016 is composed of 5-day oral and poster presentations, workshops, tutorials, special sessions, short-courses, industrial forum and technical exhibition.

Reviewed and accepted papers which will be presented in oral or poster sessions as well as will be submitted for publication in IEEE Xplore.
The Best Symposium Paper and Best Student Paper will be selected by the International Steering Committee and awarded.

Wroclaw is a in a 750 years old, friendly, historical and cosmopolitan city with dozens of historical and cultural places. Wroclaw in 2016 will be the European Capital of Culture .
Due to Odra river location and number of islands Wroclaw is often called a "city of bridges". Indeed, it is the 4th city in Europe in terms of the number of bridges (115) just after Venice, St. Petersburg and Amsterdam.

Wroclaw is also easily accessible from around Europe by car, train or plane. The international airport offers many direct connections and is located in the city so about 20 minutes takes the trip from the airport to the city center. Thanks to the compact city centre the University, hotels, restaurants, shops, museums and entertainment are within walking distance.

We do hope you will enjoy both the Symposium and your stay in Wroclaw

Tadeusz W. Wieckowski
Organizing Committee Chair
Grzegorz Maslowski
Program Committee Chair

EMC Europe history

The EMC Europe, the leading International Symposium on electromagnetic compatibility in Europe, continues the long tradition of independent regular international Symposia on EMC organized in Europe in: Wroclaw (20 editions since 1972) and Zurich (20 editions since 1973) as well as European Symposia organized in Rome (since 1994) and then in Brugge, Sorrento, Eindhoven, Barcelona and Hamburg. Those three symposia were running every second year.

International Wroclaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility was the oldest European conference dealing with EMC subject. Since the beginning all meetings have been taking place in Wroclaw every even year. They were giving a chance for discussion and experience exchange between "the West and the East", and in time they led to integration of the European scientific community.

In 2010 we met in Wroclaw for the 20th time to open a new chapter in the EMC Conference history in Europe. A real integration of the European countries and electromagnetic compatibility research community has taken place. After 38 years, the Wroclaw Symposium was completing its mission.

Those International EMC conferences organized in Europe had been merged in 2010 into EMC Europe - the International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility. EMC Europe is organized annually in one of a European city with EMC scientific center to provide an international forum for the exchange technical information on EMC.

The first joint EMC Europe was organized in Wroclaw in 2010. Next were held in York (2011), Rome (2012), Brugge (2013), Gottenburg (2014) and Dresden (2015). EMC Dresden symposium was also the first one Joint IEEE International Symposium on EMC and EMC Europe. In 2016 we are comming back to Wroclaw

EMC Europe become the biggest conference dedicated to EMC in Europe.

EMC Europe 2016 in brief

Organized by Wroclaw University of Technology (WRUT)
Scope The Symposium covers nearly all aspects of electromagnetic compatibility and offers to researchers and practicing engineers from academia, research laboratories, industry and government agencies the unique possibility to present the progress and results of their work and to exchange ideas, discuss different points of view and share experiences with colleagues from around the world involved in EMC.
Venue The Symposium will be held in Wroclaw, Poland, at the Wroclaw University of Technology in building C-13 (Wyspianskiego 25 str, 50-370 Wroclaw)

Some deadlines

Submission of preliminary papers (full papers) February 15, 2016
Notification of acceptance April 18, 2016
Final submission (camera-ready) May 16, 2016


EMC Europe 2016
Wroclaw University of Technology
Faculty of Electronics
Department of Telecommunication and Teleinformatics and
Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27
50-370 Wroclaw, POLAND
Phone: +48 71 3204582
Phone/Fax: +48 71 3223473

 © Wroclaw University of Technology Last update: January 21, 2016 